Tic Tac Toe

Computer Draws X Player O Player
0 0 0 0
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Hi! I am Tanjimul Islam Sabbir. MY Favourite Colour is Skyblue. Gardening is my hobby. I have an indoor garden. I love nature. In my leisure period, I collect various kinds of Nature Photos. My favourite flower is Water-hyacinths. It is a polyphyletic genus of the aquatic flowering plants.
I am a student of Rajshahi University. Studying at Philosophy Department. I like Philosophy. Infinity is one of my interested argument. Physics is my Favourite subject. Quantam Mechanics is my interested subject matter in Physics. Geo-Politics, Internation warfare, Plants studies one of my notable subject field. I have a vest collection of plants photo. I have a wish to published a Plants & flowers website.
Programming is my Passion. I love it. In my most time pass by Coding. I am a Front-end Web Developer. Python is my Favourite programming language. I want to be a Computer Programmer. I want to participate world programming competition. Programming is my Dream.
Happy Gaming